influential |
having power or influence. |
influenza |
a disease caused by a virus in humans and some animals; flu. Influenza causes fever, indigestion, coughing and muscle pain. |
info |
shortened form of "information." |
infomercial |
a long commercial in the form of a television program. |
inform |
to give knowledge to; tell. [2 definitions] |
informal |
relaxed in style or feeling; casual. [2 definitions] |
information |
knowledge or facts that come from a source. [2 definitions] |
infrastructure |
all the basic systems that have been created in a country, especially through technology and engineering, that allow it to function well and develop. Roads are a very important part of a country's infrastructure. Without roads, it is difficult for people to travel and to work and to move products from one place to another. |
infrequent |
not happening often. |
in full |
in the complete or required amount. |
infuriate |
to cause great anger in; enrage. |
-ing1 |
a suffix used to form the present participle of verbs. |
-ing2 |
a suffix used to turn a verb into a noun. |
ingenious |
clever or creative in setting up or working through problems. |
ingenuity |
the quality of, or an instance of being ingenious; cleverness. |
ingot |
an amount of metal made into a shape that makes it easy to hold or store. |
ingredient |
one of the parts of a mixture. |
inhabit |
to live in; use as a dwelling. |
inhabitant |
someone or something that lives in a place; resident. |
inhabited |
lived in; populated. |
inhale |
to breathe in; take in by breathing. |