inject |
to introduce (a fluid) or introduce a fluid into (someone or something) by force or pressure, as fuel into an engine cylinder, or a medicine into a muscle or vein. [2 definitions] |
injection |
something injected, esp. a measured dose of liquid medicine. [2 definitions] |
injure |
to impair; harm; damage; wound. [2 definitions] |
injured |
having an injury; damaged; wounded. [3 definitions] |
injury |
any damage or wrong that causes hardship or suffering. [3 definitions] |
injustice |
the absence of justice; unfair treatment or violation of a person's rights. [2 definitions] |
ink |
a fluid or paste, usu. in a visible color, that is used in writing or printing. [4 definitions] |
inkling |
a vague or partial idea or understanding. [2 definitions] |
inland |
of, concerning, or situated in the part of a country or region away from seacoasts or in the interior. [3 definitions] |
inlet |
a bay, stream, or the like that is recessed into or leads inland from a shoreline. [3 definitions] |
in love |
the condition in an adult of having a very strong physical and emotional attraction to someone and a strong desire to be with that person; the condition of feeling romantic love. |
inn |
a small hotel that caters especially to travelers. [2 definitions] |
inner |
situated inside. [4 definitions] |
inning |
the segment of a baseball or softball game during which each side has a turn at batting. [3 definitions] |
innkeeper |
the owner or manager of an inn. |
innocence |
the quality or condition of being innocent. [5 definitions] |
innocent |
free from corruption or knowledge of evil. [6 definitions] |
innovation |
a new method, approach, idea, or the like. [2 definitions] |
inoculate |
to inject or otherwise infect (a person or animal) with a virus or microorganism, esp. in order to create immunity to a disease. [3 definitions] |
in one ear and out the other |
heard, but with little or no notice paid. |
in one's pocket |
under one's control. |