in someone's bad graces |
having the disfavor and disapproval of someone. |
in someone's good graces |
having the favor and approval of someone. |
insomnia |
difficulty in getting to sleep, esp. as a persistent problem. |
inspect |
to look at very carefully, esp. to assess any damage or imperfection. [2 definitions] |
inspection |
the act or an instance of inspecting. [2 definitions] |
inspector |
one who inspects, often in an official capacity. [2 definitions] |
inspiration |
a thing or person that motivates or uplifts; that which inspires. [4 definitions] |
inspire |
to arouse feelings of exaltation in. [7 definitions] |
in spite of |
regardless of; notwithstanding. |
install |
to put (a machine, system, or the like) into position and make ready for use. [3 definitions] |
installation |
the act of installing or condition of being installed. [3 definitions] |
installment1 |
one of the successive parts in which something is paid, written, or supplied at regular intervals. |
installment2 |
the act of installing or condition of being installed; installation. |
instance |
an occasion, case, or example. [2 definitions] |
instant |
an extremely brief space of time; moment. [7 definitions] |
instantly |
at once; without delay; immediately. |
instead |
in place of something; in preference. |
instead of |
in place of. |
instep |
the arched middle section of the foot between the ankle and the toes. [2 definitions] |
in step |
moving, esp. walking, to a rhythm with another person. [2 definitions] |
instill |
to implant gradually in someone's mind or feelings. |