intercom |
a device or system that allows communication from room to room; intercommunications system. |
interest |
curiosity about, involvement in, or concern about something. [7 definitions] |
interested |
having or showing curiosity, concern, or attention. [2 definitions] |
interesting |
causing attention to or concern about; provoking interest or curiosity. |
interface |
a plane or surface that represents a common boundary between two bodies or regions. [7 definitions] |
interfere |
to be or come between with the effect of hampering or impeding (usu. fol. by "with"). [5 definitions] |
interference |
the act or repeated actions of disrupting or making progress difficult. [4 definitions] |
intergalactic |
of, relating to, or located in the space between galaxies. |
interior |
being inside or within. [7 definitions] |
interjection |
the act of putting in or between, or of interposing. [3 definitions] |
intermediate |
being or occurring between two things, stages, positions, persons, or the like; being in the middle. [4 definitions] |
intermission |
a pause or interruption between periods of activity; respite; recess. [4 definitions] |
intern2 |
an advanced student or recent graduate in a specialized field, esp. medicine, who is serving an apprenticeship in the appropriate practical setting, such as a hospital. [2 definitions] |
internal |
located on the inside; inner. [4 definitions] |
international |
of or having to do with two or more nations, or to the affairs of or relations between two or more nations. [2 definitions] |
internet |
a global network of millions of computers that provides rapid access to and exchange of data. [2 definitions] |
interplanetary |
existing, occurring, or functioning between planets. |
interpret |
to determine or explain the meaning of. [6 definitions] |
interpretation |
the act or process of explaining or making clear the meaning of something. [4 definitions] |
interrogate |
to question at length and thoroughly, often for an official purpose. |
interrogative |
in grammar, of, relating to, forming, or being a question. [4 definitions] |