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interplanetary existing, occurring, or functioning between planets.
interpret to determine or explain the meaning of. [6 definitions]
interpretation the act or process of explaining or making clear the meaning of something. [4 definitions]
interrogate to question at length and thoroughly, often for an official purpose.
interrogative in grammar, of, relating to, forming, or being a question. [4 definitions]
interrogative sentence a sentence that asks a question. "Have you read this book?" is an example of an interrogative sentence.
interrupt to cause to stop; break off. [4 definitions]
interruption the act of interrupting or the state of being interrupted. [2 definitions]
intersect to cut across or pass through; cross. [3 definitions]
intersection the point or place where two or more things such as roads intersect. [2 definitions]
interstate concerning or connecting two or more states, esp. of the United States. [2 definitions]
interval the period of time between two events or situations. [4 definitions]
interview a meeting between a job applicant and a prospective employer, usu. to determine the applicant's qualifications. [5 definitions]
intestine (usu. pl.) the lower part of the digestive system, specifically a long tube, divided into the small and large intestines, that extends in coils from the stomach to the anus. [2 definitions]
in the clear free from suspicion or danger.
in the dark ignorant or uncertain.
in the face of notwithstanding. [2 definitions]
in the least at all.
in the long run at the end of an extended period of time, or considered from the perspective of long experience.
in the neighborhood of (informal) approximately.
in the nick of time at the last possible moment to produce some result.