in the saddle |
having authority; in a position to direct. |
in the same boat |
in the same situation, often difficult or dangerous. |
in the wake of |
following; directly after. |
intimate1 |
very warm, friendly, or close. [2 definitions] |
into |
to the inside of. [5 definitions] |
intolerable |
too difficult or unpleasant to be near or to bear. |
intolerant |
not able or not willing to accept different opinions, beliefs, customs, or people; not tolerant. |
into thin air |
out of sight. |
in tow |
as followers or in one's company. |
intoxicate |
to cause to be less rational by means of alcohol or drugs. [2 definitions] |
intransitive verb |
a verb that is not followed by a direct object. In the sentence, "I ran for an hour," "ran" is an intransitive verb. |
intravenous |
being in or entering through a vein or veins. |
intricate |
having many complex parts, angles, or aspects; involved; elaborate. |
intrigue |
to draw the strong interest of; puzzle; fascinate. [2 definitions] |
introduce |
to present to another person. [4 definitions] |
introduction |
the act or process of letting people know about a new thing, or letting them experience it or start to use it. [4 definitions] |
introductory |
serving to introduce. |
intrude |
to enter or thrust oneself in when not invited or welcome. |
intuition |
the power to know or understand something without thinking it through in a logical way. |
Inuit |
a member of a group of native people living in areas from Greenland to Canada and Alaska. [2 definitions] |
invade |
to enter as an enemy, by force, in order to conquer or plunder. [2 definitions] |