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Jan. abbreviation of "January."
jangle to make a harsh, clashing sound. [4 definitions]
janitor a person whose work is to clean and take care of a building.
January the first month of the year. January has thirty-one days.
Japan a country in eastern Asia made up of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
Japanese of or having to do with Japan, or its people or language. [3 definitions]
Japanese beetle a shiny green and brown insect that came to the United States from Asia. It eats the leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots of plants and can cause a lot of damage.
jar1 a round container with a wide mouth, usually made of glass or pottery, and often having a lid. [2 definitions]
jar2 to crash into or bump so as to cause movement; jolt. [4 definitions]
jargon1 special words or language used by a particular group or to describe a particular interest.
jaundice a condition of the liver that causes the eyes and skin to become yellow.
jaundiced having or looking as if one had jaundice.
jaunt a short trip made for fun and pleasure.
jaunty having a light manner; lively and confident.
Java the principal island of Indonesia. [2 definitions]
Javanese of or having to do with the island of Java or its people, culture, language, or the like. [2 definitions]
javelin a light spear thrown as a weapon. [3 definitions]
jaw either or both of the two bones that frame the mouth and hold the teeth. [3 definitions]
jawbone any of the bones that are part of the jaw, especially the lower one.
jay a brightly colored, noisy bird that belongs to the crow family. A blue jay is one kind of jay.
jaywalk to walk across a street in a place or at a time that is against traffic laws.