Jell-O |
trademark for a sweetened, fruit-flavored gelatin dessert. |
jelly |
a food jelled by gelatin or pectin, esp. a sweet preparation of concentrated fruit juice that is usu. spread on bread. [4 definitions] |
jellyfish |
any of a large number of soft, jellylike marine animals that usu. have numerous tentacles hanging down from a bell-shaped body. [2 definitions] |
jeopardy |
danger, as of harm, death, or loss; peril. |
jerk1 |
any sudden or unexpected and uneven motion. [5 definitions] |
jerky1 |
characterized by sudden starts and stops or other abrupt movements. |
jerky2 |
beef or venison that has been preserved by being cut into long strips and dried. |
jersey |
a pullover knitted shirt, as is often worn by athletes. [3 definitions] |
Jerusalem |
the capital of Israel. |
jest |
a humorous utterance or action; joke. [6 definitions] |
jester |
someone who habitually jokes or acts playfully. [2 definitions] |
Jesus Christ |
the founder of Christianity (b.4? B.C.--d.29? A.D.); according to the New Testament, the savior foretold by Isaiah, considered by Christians to be the Messiah and son of God; Jesus of Nazareth. (See Christ.) |
jet1 |
a stream of fluid or gas shooting from an opening, usu. with great pressure. [5 definitions] |
jet2 |
a dense black coal capable of being highly polished, used for jewelry. [4 definitions] |
jet engine |
an engine that develops thrust by the backward expulsion of a jet of fluid or gaseous products of combustion, used esp. in aircraft. |
jet lag |
a temporary disruption of biological rhythms as the result of traveling by jet airplane across several time zones. |
jet-propelled |
powered by a jet engine or engines. [2 definitions] |
jet propulsion |
propulsion of aircraft and some small ships that results from the high-velocity expulsion of compressed outside air and hot exhaust gases through a jet nozzle. |
jet stream |
a high-velocity, generally westerly wind in the upper troposphere. [2 definitions] |
jettison |
to throw (objects) from a ship or airplane to lighten or stabilize it, as in a storm. [4 definitions] |
jetty1 |
an assemblage of rocks, timbers, or the like that extends into a body of water to protect the shore or a harbor from strong waves or currents. [2 definitions] |