jib1 |
a sail that is shaped like a triangle and used in the front of a sailing boat. |
jiffy |
(informal) a very short time; instant. |
jig2 |
a fast, lively dance. [4 definitions] |
jigsaw |
a saw that can be used to cut sharp corners or curved designs. Jigsaws are usually powered by electricity. |
jigsaw puzzle |
a puzzle that is made of a picture that has been cut into pieces of different shapes. The separate pieces must be put together to form the picture again. A jigsaw puzzle is usually made of thick cardboard or wood. |
jingle |
to make a sound like light metal objects hitting against each other again and again. [4 definitions] |
jinx |
someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck. [2 definitions] |
job |
a particular task or piece of work. [3 definitions] |
jockey |
a person whose work is riding horses in races. |
jog1 |
to give a little push or shake; nudge. [4 definitions] |
join |
to put, bring, or fasten together. [5 definitions] |
joint |
a place or point where two or more parts come together or are connected. [2 definitions] |
joke |
a short story, usually with a funny ending, that is told to make people laugh. [3 definitions] |
jolly |
cheerful, full of fun, and merry. |
jolt |
to shake up or cause to move with a jerk. [4 definitions] |
jonquil |
a white or yellow flower with a pleasant smell. The jonquil is much like the daffodil. |
Jordan |
a country in southwestern Asia. It lies east of Israel. Amman is the capital of Jordan. [2 definitions] |
jostle |
to push, crowd, or bump into on purpose. [2 definitions] |
jot |
to write in a quick and simple way (usually followed by "down"). |
journal |
a record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events; diary. [2 definitions] |
journalism |
the work of collecting news and information and giving it out to the public through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other media. |