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juggle to keep (two or more objects) in motion in the air by alternately tossing and catching them. [8 definitions]
juggler one who performs feats of juggling. [2 definitions]
juice the natural fluid contents of any plant or animal tissue; liquid extracted from a ripe fruit for drinking. [3 definitions]
juicy having a great amount of juice; succulent. [2 definitions]
jukebox a coin-operated phonograph containing a variety of records that play automatically when selected by push buttons.
July the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
jumble to put or throw together in a confused heap. [6 definitions]
jumbo (informal) something that is very large. [2 definitions]
jump to leap into the air. [20 definitions]
jump at to take or accept quickly and eagerly.
jumper2 a sleeveless dress worn over a shirt or blouse. [4 definitions]
jump rope a length of rope held at each end and swung under the feet and over the head as one jumps, for exercise or as a game.
jump suit a one-piece garment worn by parachutists. [2 definitions]
junction a point or place where things are joined together. [5 definitions]
June the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
jungle land covered with very dense natural vegetation, esp. a tropical rain forest. [4 definitions]
jungle gym an outdoor structure of pipes and bars for children to play on.
junior younger (used especially in abbreviated form after the name of a son having the same name as his father). [6 definitions]
junior high school an intermediate school between elementary and high school, usu. including grades seven, eight, and nine; middle school.
juniper any of a variety of evergreen shrubs or small trees bearing cones that produce a blue-gray berrylike fruit.
junk1 anything regarded as having little worth; trash. [4 definitions]