juror |
one who is a member of a jury. [3 definitions] |
jury |
a body of persons summoned to a court of law who are sworn to hear evidence and give a true verdict in a case. [2 definitions] |
just |
fair, equitable, and honest. [12 definitions] |
just about |
practically; almost; nearly. |
justice |
the principle or quality of equity; moral rightness. [5 definitions] |
justify |
to demonstrate (something) to be true or valid. [5 definitions] |
jut |
to project or extend sharply outward; protrude (often fol. by "out"). [2 definitions] |
jute |
a coarse, strong fiber taken from any of a variety of plants native to the East Indies, used to make twine, burlap, and the like. [2 definitions] |
juvenile |
not yet having attained maturity; not adult; young. [4 definitions] |
K3 |
symbol of the chemical element potassium. |
k |
the eleventh letter of the English alphabet. |
Kabul |
the capital of Afghanistan. |
Kalahari Desert |
an arid and sandy region of southern Africa occupying a large area of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa. |
kaleidoscope |
a rotating tube in which changing symmetrical forms are created by the reflection, in mirrors set at angles to each other, of small bits of colored class moving in a chamber at one end of the tube. [2 definitions] |
kangaroo |
any of a group of large plant-eating marsupials of Australia and Tanzania, having powerful hind legs for jumping and a long, heavy tail used for balance. |
Kansas |
a Midwestern U.S. state between Missouri and Colorado. (abbr.: KS) |
karaoke |
a form of musical entertainment originating in Japan in which prerecorded instrumental music from popular songs is played while a person performs live vocals through a microphone. |
karat |
a unit of measure for the purity of gold equal to one twenty-fourth part of pure gold. |
karate |
a method of weaponless self-defense, based on strategically placed hard blows with the elbows or the edges of hands or feet. |
katydid |
any of a variety of large grasshoppers, the males of which produce a characteristic song by rubbing the wings together. |
kayak |
a slender boat traditionally used by the Inuit people, consisting of a light frame pointed at both ends, covered with a waterproof skin that may be pulled tight around the waist of the passenger. [2 definitions] |