Kiribati |
an island country in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. It lies northeast of Australia. The capital of Kiribati is South Tarawa. |
kiss |
to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love, friendship, passion, or respect. [3 definitions] |
kit1 |
a collection of items for a particular use. [3 definitions] |
kit2 |
the young of certain fur-bearing animals, such as beavers, foxes, and rabbits. [2 definitions] |
kitchen |
a room where food is stored and cooked. |
kitchenette |
a very small kitchen. |
kite |
a light frame covered with paper, plastic, or cloth that is flown in the air at the end of a long string. Some kites are very plain, and some have a lot of color and decoration. [2 definitions] |
kitten |
a very young cat. |
kitty1 |
(informal) a kitten or cat. |
kitty2 |
money collected from people for a particular purpose. |
kiwi |
a bird of New Zealand that has gray-brown feathers, a long, thin bill, and small, weak wings that can not be used for flying. [2 definitions] |
klutz |
a clumsy person. |
km |
abbreviation of "kilometer" or "kilometers." |
knack |
a natural talent for something. |
knapsack |
a bag worn on the back to carry things. A knapsack is often made of leather, canvas, or nylon. |
knead |
to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling. [2 definitions] |
knee |
the joint between the upper and lower parts of a human leg. [3 definitions] |
kneecap |
the flat, round bone in front of the knee. |
kneel |
to rest on the knee or knees. |
knelt |
past tense and past participle of "kneel." |
knew |
past tense of "know." |