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kneel to rest on the knee or knees.
knelt past tense and past participle of "kneel."
knew past tense of "know."
knickknack a small object used to decorate.
knife a tool with a handle and a thin, sharp blade, used for cutting. [2 definitions]
knight a soldier on horseback in the Middle Ages. A knight had to serve as an apprentice and follow many rules. [4 definitions]
knighthood the position held by a knight.
knit to join together loops of yarn by hand with long needles or by machine, in order to make various items such as sweaters, blankets, and shawls. [5 definitions]
knives plural of "knife."
knob a rounded piece on a door or drawer; a switch on a machine.
knock to rap, pound, or hit something, such as a door. [6 definitions]
knock down to make a person or object that had been standing fall to the ground.
knocker a metal piece with a hinge that is attached to the outside of a door. A knocker is used to call for those inside.
knock over to make an object or person that had been standing fall to the ground or other surface.
knoll a small rounded rise of land; hill.
knot1 a tying together of material such as rope, string, or yarn that is used to fasten. [6 definitions]
knothole a hole in a piece of lumber from which a knot has come out.
knotty having knots. [2 definitions]
know to perceive directly or have some information about something in your mind. [4 definitions]
know-how the knowledge needed to do a certain task.
knowledge understanding; awareness. [3 definitions]