knocker |
a metal piece with a hinge that is attached to the outside of a door. A knocker is used to call for those inside. |
knock over |
to make an object or person that had been standing fall to the ground or other surface. |
knoll |
a small rounded rise of land; hill. |
knot1 |
a tying together of material such as rope, string, or yarn that is used to fasten. [6 definitions] |
knothole |
a hole in a piece of lumber from which a knot has come out. |
knotty |
having knots. [2 definitions] |
know |
to perceive directly or have some information about something in your mind. [4 definitions] |
know-how |
the knowledge needed to do a certain task. |
knowledge |
understanding; awareness. [3 definitions] |
knowledgeable |
having information or knowledge; familiar. |
known |
past participle of "know." |
know of |
to be aware of; have heard about. |
knuckle |
a joint of a finger. |
knuckle down |
to start working in a serious manner. |
koala |
a mammal with gray fur, round ears, and a short black nose. Koalas are marsupials and live in trees. The female has a pouch in her belly where she carries her baby. Koalas are only found in Australia. They are sometimes called "koala bears," but they are not related to true bears. |
kook |
(slang) a person considered to be strange or crazy. |
Koran |
the sacred book of Islam that is the basis of Muslim religion. Muslims believe that Allah gave the words of the Koran to the prophet Muhammad. The Koran is written in Arabic. |
Korea |
see "North Korea," "South Korea." |
Korean |
of or having to do with the people, culture, or language of North and South Korea. [2 definitions] |
kosher |
prepared according to Jewish laws of food. [2 definitions] |
Kr |
symbol of the chemical element krypton. |