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lack the condition of being without. [2 definitions]
lacquer a liquid used on wood or metal to protect and make it shiny. [2 definitions]
lacrosse a game played on a field. The players use sticks with a net on one end to carry the ball and throw it into the other team's goal.
lad a boy or young man.
ladder a pair of side pieces joined with horizontal bars called rungs, used for climbing.
laden filled with a great weight.
ladies' room a public restroom for women and girls.
ladle a spoon with a long handle and a deep bowl used for serving liquids such as soup or punch. [2 definitions]
lady a polite word for a woman or girl. [3 definitions]
ladybird the British word for a small, round beetle that is red or orange with black spots. "Ladybird" has the same meaning as "ladybug."
ladybug a small, round beetle that is red or orange with black spots. Ladybugs eat aphids and other insects that are harmful to plants.
lag to fall behind an expected pace. [4 definitions]
lagoon a shallow body of salt water by the sea. A lagoon is separated from the sea by sandbars, coral reefs, or islands. [2 definitions]
laid past tense and past participle of "lay1."
lain past participle of "lie2."
lair a wild animal's shelter; den.
lake a large body of fresh or salt water that is surrounded on all sides by land.
Lake Baikal a large lake located in the part of Russia that is in Asia. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and also contains the most water. It is a freshwater lake, which means that the water is not salty.
Lake Erie one of the Great Lakes of North America, bordering the province of Ontario in Canada and the states of New York, Pennyslvania, Ohio, and Michigan in the United States.
Lake Huron one of the Great Lakes that lies between the United States and Canada. Lake Huron is located to the northeast of the U.S. state of Michigan and contains the large Canadian island of Manitoulin.
Lake Maracaibo a large bay in northwestern Venezuela. Lake Maracaibo is called a "lake," but its water is salty, and it is connected to the Caribbean Sea by a narrow strait.