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landscape the area that can be seen from one point; view. [3 definitions]
landslide the falling of earth down a steep slope. [2 definitions]
lane a narrow passage, as between hedges, walls, or buildings. [4 definitions]
language the system of spoken or written words with which people communicate thoughts, ideas, or feelings. [3 definitions]
lanky tall, thin, and awkward.
lantern a case or container that is made of a material through which a light can shine and be protected.
Laos a country in southeastern Asia. Vientiane is the capital of Laos. Laos is also called Lao People's Democratic Republic.
lap1 the front of the human body, from the waist to the knees, in a sitting position. The part of clothing that covers this part of the body is also called the lap.
lap2 to lay or fold over so as to cover another; overlap. [3 definitions]
lap3 to gently splash or slap against. [3 definitions]
lapel a front part of a coat or jacket that goes down the chest from the collar and is folded back.
lapse a slight failure to meet some accepted standard. [5 definitions]
laptop a short form of "laptop computer." A laptop computer is a computer that is small and that can easily be moved from place to place. A laptop computer can fold up so that it can become flat.
laptop computer a small computer that is easy to carry; notebook computer.
larch A kind of tree that has cones and looks like an evergreen but has needles that turn yellow and are shed in the fall. [2 definitions]
lard the fat of pigs that has been melted down, used in cooking.
larder a place or room for keeping or storing food, or the supply of food stored there.
large of a size, or amount bigger than normal or average; not small.
large intestine the large, lower part of the intestines. The large intestine absorbs water from digested food and forms solid waste matter.
largely in large part; mostly; mainly.
large-scale large in scope or extent.