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large-scale large in scope or extent. [2 definitions]
lariat a long rope with a slipping noose at one end, used to catch running animals such as cattle or horses.
lark1 any of various songbirds with a long hind claw, esp. the skylark. [2 definitions]
lark2 a gay, carefree adventure or amusement. [4 definitions]
larkspur any of several plants that bear bright, spurred flowers in blue, pink, or white on an upright stalk; delphinium.
larva a newly hatched, wingless insect, often in the form of a worm, before it undergoes metamorphosis into its adult form. [2 definitions]
laryngitis an inflammation of the larynx, usu. marked by difficulty in making the voice audible.
larynx the structure in the throat that contains the human vocal cords, or a similar or corresponding structure in lower animals.
lasagna long, wide, flat noodles, or a dish of Italian origin that is made with such noodles interleaved and baked with sauce, cheeses, ground meat, or vegetables.
laser a device that amplifies electrical impulses at mixed frequencies in or near the range of visible light by stimulating the atoms in a medium such as a gas or crystal, producing an intense, concentrated beam of light at one or more virtually distinct frequencies (acronym for "light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation").
lash1 a whip or the striking part of a whip. [11 definitions]
lash2 to bind or tie down with a rope, cord, or chain.
lass a girl or young woman; maiden. [2 definitions]
lasso a long rope with a slipping noose on one end, used to catch running animals, esp. cattle and horses; lariat. [2 definitions]
last1 coming after or finishing behind all others. [12 definitions]
last2 to persist or endure through time. [4 definitions]
lasting enduring or persisting for a long time. [2 definitions]
latch a fastening or lock, as for a door, with a bar or bolt that falls or slides into a catch, slot, or hole. [2 definitions]
late happening or arriving after the usual or expected time. [7 definitions]
lately recently.
later comparative of "late." [5 definitions]