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launder to wash, or wash and iron (clothing, linens, or the like). [5 definitions]
laundrette (chiefly British) a commercial laundry facility having coin-operated washers and dryers.
Laundromat trademark for a commercial laundry facility having coin-operated washers and dryers. [2 definitions]
laundry clothing, linens, or the like that are cleaned by washing, or are washed and ironed. [2 definitions]
laundry room a room in a home or institution where clothes and linens are washed and usually dried.
laurel any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the Mediterranean area, now cultivated in America, that have large, shiny, aromatic leaves and bear yellow flowers. [3 definitions]
lava molten rock erupting from a volcano or volcanic fissure. [2 definitions]
lavatory a room provided with washing and often toilet facilities. [3 definitions]
lavender any of various plants of the mint family bearing spikes of pale purple flowers. [3 definitions]
laverock a primarily Scottish word for "lark," a kind of songbird with a long hind claw and a musical song.
lavish liberal or generous in using or spending (often fol. by "of" or "in"). [3 definitions]
law the set of customs, statutes, or rules that govern a society. [6 definitions]
lawful permitted by law; legal. [3 definitions]
lawmaker one who makes or approves laws; legislator.
lawn1 a stretch or plot of ground planted with grass or other low-growing ground covers and usu. mowed short.
lawn mower a machine with a rotary blade that cuts the grass of a lawn.
lawsuit a case prosecuted in a court of law.
lawyer one whose profession is to advise clients about legal matters and conduct lawsuits in court; attorney.
lay1 to place, put, or spread (something long or flat) over a surface. [13 definitions]
lay3 past tense of lie2.
layer a thickness of something that is spread over a surface. [5 definitions]