leather |
material made from the skin of an animal by removing the hair and tanning. Leather is used for making shoes, jackets, luggage, and many other things. [2 definitions] |
leave1 |
to go away from or depart. [5 definitions] |
leave2 |
permission. [2 definitions] |
leave alone |
to allow to be alone; not disturb. [2 definitions] |
leave no stone unturned |
to use every means possible; consider every choice. |
leave off |
to stop or cease. |
leave out |
not to put in or not include; omit. |
leaves |
plural of "leaf." |
Lebanon |
a country in southwestern Asia on the Mediterranean coast, north of Israel. Beirut is the capital of Lebanon. |
lecture |
a talk given in front of an audience. [4 definitions] |
led |
past tense and past participle of "lead1." |
ledge |
a narrow part like a shelf that comes out of a wall. [2 definitions] |
lee |
the side that faces away from the wind. [2 definitions] |
leech |
a kind of worm that lives in water or mud and sucks blood from animals. Leeches were once used in medicine to draw blood from people. Leaches are still sometimes used to prevent blood from clotting when reattaching fingers and toes that have been cut off. |
leek |
a plant related to the onion. It has wide, green leaves and a long white bulb. |
left1 |
of, located on, or pertaining to the side of the human body where the heart is located or to the side of any other thing in the same position with respect to its other side; opposite of right. [2 definitions] |
left2 |
past tense and past participle of "leave1." |
left fielder |
in baseball, the player whose position is in left field when the other team is batting and whose primary function is to defend that territory. |
left-hand |
on or toward the left. [2 definitions] |
left-handed |
using the left hand more easily than the right. [3 definitions] |
leftover |
a part of something that was not used. |