legislation |
a bill or proposal enacted into law by a governing body. [2 definitions] |
legislative |
relating to a branch of government having the power to pass laws. [2 definitions] |
legislator |
someone who makes laws, esp. a member of a legislative body. |
legislature |
a governmental assembly authorized to make, change, or revoke the laws of a state or nation. |
legitimate |
in accordance with the law or rules (used especially when the breaking of laws or rules is suspected). [6 definitions] |
legume |
any of the family of plants, including beans and peas, that bear their seeds and fruit in pods and have roots containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. [2 definitions] |
lei1 |
in Hawaii, a wreath or garland of flowers, usu. worn around the neck. |
leisure |
freedom from work or other duties or responsibilities that require time and effort; free time. |
lemming |
any of various mouselike, short-tailed, arctic rodents, esp. the European species which is noted for mass migrations that periodically result in large numbers drowning at sea. |
lemon |
a small oval citrus fruit with yellow skin and sour juice. [5 definitions] |
lemonade |
sweetened lemon juice diluted with water. |
lemur |
any of several small, tree-dwelling, nocturnal mammals that have large, round eyes, a foxlike face, and a long, furry tail, and that are native to Madagascar and nearby islands. |
lend |
to give (something) temporarily on the understanding that it will be returned. [4 definitions] |
length |
extent of linear distance. [6 definitions] |
lengthen |
to make or become longer. |
lengthwise |
in the direction of the longer or longest dimension. |
lenient |
not severe in enforcing restrictions or punishments; tolerant; indulgent. |
lens |
a piece of molded or ground transparent material such as glass, whose surfaces are curved so as to cause the divergence or convergence of light rays passing through it. [3 definitions] |
Lent |
the forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter, observed by Christians as a period of fasting, penitence, and other self-denial. |
lent |
past tense and past participle of lend. |
lentil |
a round, flattened seed produced by the lentil plant, used as food. [2 definitions] |