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lemming any of various mouselike, short-tailed, arctic rodents, esp. the European species which is noted for mass migrations that periodically result in large numbers drowning at sea.
lemon a small oval citrus fruit with yellow skin and sour juice. [5 definitions]
lemonade sweetened lemon juice diluted with water.
lemur any of several small, tree-dwelling, nocturnal mammals that have large, round eyes, a foxlike face, and a long, furry tail, and that are native to Madagascar and nearby islands.
lend to give (something) temporarily on the understanding that it will be returned. [4 definitions]
length extent of linear distance. [6 definitions]
lengthen to make or become longer.
lengthwise in the direction of the longer or longest dimension.
lenient not severe in enforcing restrictions or punishments; tolerant; indulgent.
lens a piece of molded or ground transparent material such as glass, whose surfaces are curved so as to cause the divergence or convergence of light rays passing through it. [3 definitions]
Lent the forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter, observed by Christians as a period of fasting, penitence, and other self-denial.
lent past tense and past participle of lend.
lentil a round, flattened seed produced by the lentil plant, used as food. [2 definitions]
leopard a large, spotted wild cat found in southern Asia and Africa. [2 definitions]
leotard an elastic one-piece garment worn by dancers, acrobats, and the like to cover their bodies while allowing freedom of movement.
leprechaun in Irish folklore, an elf with knowledge of secret treasure for whomever can catch him.
leprosy a progressive disease caused by bacterial infection that affects skin and nerves and produces ulcerations, swelling, spreading anesthesia, and loss of fingers and toes.
Lesotho a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by South Africa.
-less not having; without; lacking. [2 definitions]
less comparative of "little." [6 definitions]
lessen to become or make smaller in degree, amount, or size.