lemming |
a very small mammal that looks like a mouse with a short tail. Lemmings are rodents that live in the far northern parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. Some kinds of lemmings migrate in groups if their population gets very large. Migrating lemmings may drown in bodies of water. |
lemon |
a small citrus fruit with yellow skin and sour juice. [3 definitions] |
lemonade |
a drink made from lemon juice, sugar, and water. |
lemur |
a small, furry mammal with large, round eyes and a long tail. They are active mainly at night. Lemurs are found in Madagascar, a large island country near the eastern coast of Africa, and in nearby islands. |
lend |
to give with the understanding that what has been given will be returned. [3 definitions] |
length |
the distance from one end of a thing to the other. [4 definitions] |
lengthen |
to make or become longer. |
lengthwise |
in the direction of the longer or longest side. |
lenient |
not strict with rules; tolerant. |
lens |
a piece of clear material such as glass that bends light rays passing through it. The surface of a lens is curved to bend light rays toward or away from a central point. [3 definitions] |
Lent |
the forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter, observed by Christians as a time to fast, pray, and be sorry for having done wrong. |
lent |
past tense and past participle of "lend." |
lentil |
a round, flat seed produced by the lentil plant. It is used as food. [2 definitions] |
leopard |
a large mammal with short yellow or gray fur and black spots. Leopards with very dark fur are called black leopards or panthers. They live in southern Asia and Africa but are threatened or endangered in all their habitats. Leopards are carnivores and are closely related to lions, tigers, and other big cats that roar. |
leotard |
a garment worn by dancers, gymnasts, and others. It is made of one piece and covers the body while it stretches to allow freedom of movement. |
leprechaun |
an elf in Irish folklore who knows about secret treasure. He must tell the location of the treasure to whomever can catch him. |
leprosy |
a disease of the skin and nerves caused by infection. People with leprosy have sores on their skin and lose feeling in their bodies. They sometimes lose fingers and toes. |
Lesotho |
a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by the country of South Africa. The capital of Lesotho is Maseru. |
-less |
a suffix that means "not having." |
less |
comparative of "little." [6 definitions] |
lessen |
to become smaller in amount or size. [2 definitions] |