Lesotho |
a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by the country of South Africa. The capital of Lesotho is Maseru. |
-less |
a suffix that means "not having." |
less |
comparative of "little." [6 definitions] |
lessen |
to become smaller in amount or size. [2 definitions] |
lesser |
a comparative of "little." [2 definitions] |
lesson |
a period of instruction in a particular thing, or something that is intended to be learned or studied. [2 definitions] |
-let |
a suffix that means "small." |
let |
to allow; permit. [4 definitions] |
let bygones be bygones |
to forgive and forget past fights. |
let down |
to fail to satisfy; disappoint. |
let go |
to stop holding; set free. [2 definitions] |
lethargic |
feeling as if one has no energy; not wanting to move or do anything. |
let off |
to release from punishment or something unpleasant; excuse. |
let out |
to allow to be known. |
let's1 |
shortened form of "let us." |
letter |
a written mark that stands for a speech sound; specific character of an alphabet. [3 definitions] |
letterbox |
a British word for a public box in which people place letters to be sent by mail. "Letterbox" has the same meaning as "mailbox." [2 definitions] |
letter carrier |
someone who delivers mail. |
lettering |
the act or art of printing or writing letters. [2 definitions] |
let the cat out of the bag |
to reveal a secret. |
lettuce |
a plant with large, crisp leaves that can be eaten. [2 definitions] |