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lichen any of various organisms resulting from the symbiotic association of a photosynthetic alga with a fungus, giving rise to a usu. greenish or reddish undifferentiated mass with a scaly, crustlike, or branching form. [2 definitions]
lick to pass the tongue over or along the surface of. [11 definitions]
licorice a European plant of the legume family, having a strong, sweet odor and flavor similar to anise. [3 definitions]
lid a hinged or removable cover for a container such as a dish, jar, or trunk. [5 definitions]
lie1 an untrue statement made on purpose; intentional falsehood. [5 definitions]
lie2 to be in or place oneself in a flat, horizontal, or reclining position. [8 definitions]
Liechtenstein a tiny central European country between Switzerland and Austria.
lie in wait to await a chance to make a surprise attack.
lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force, Army, or Marine Corps, an officer ranking just below captain; first lieutenant. [5 definitions]
life the state of being that allows humans and animals to grow and reproduce and that distinguishes them from rocks, minerals, and other nonliving matter. [11 definitions]
lifeboat a ship's boat designed for rapid rescue of persons, or a similar boat used from shore.
life cycle the continuous changes undergone by an organism in its development from its earliest stage until it is able to reproduce. [2 definitions]
lifeguard a person employed to watch over a swimming area and rescue anyone who might be drowning.
life jacket a life preserver in the form of a sleeveless vest or jacket; life vest.
lifeless having or appearing to have no life; inanimate; unconscious. [3 definitions]
lifelike closely resembling or simulating real life.
lifelong continuing throughout the whole of one's life.
life preserver a buoyant device for keeping a person afloat and preventing drowning, usu. made in the shape of a ring, belt, or jacket.
life span the length of time that an individual of any species lives or can be expected to live.
lifestyle the general mode of living of a person or group, including attitudes, occupational and class characteristics, financial priorities, possessions, and the like.
lifetime the time during which a person's life continues. [3 definitions]