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lick to pass the tongue over or along the surface of. [7 definitions]
licorice a plant of the legume family that has a strong, sweet smell and flavor. [3 definitions]
lid a cover for a container that can be opened or removed. [2 definitions]
lie1 an untrue statement made on purpose. [2 definitions]
lie2 to be in or place oneself in a flat or resting position. [4 definitions]
Liechtenstein a small central European country between Switzerland and Austria. The capital of Liechtenstein is Vaduz.
lie in wait to wait for a chance to make a surprise attack.
lieutenant a military officer of a rank just below captain. [3 definitions]
life the state of being that sets animals and plants apart from rocks, minerals, and other things that are not alive. Things that have life grow, reproduce, and use energy. [7 definitions]
lifeboat a boat made for quick rescue of people. It can be carried on a larger boat, or it can be used from shore.
life cycle the sequence of changes that a living thing goes through as it grows and develops. Birth, growth, reproduction, aging, and death are all stages in the life cycle of an animal.
lifeguard a person hired to watch over a swimming area and rescue anyone who might be drowning.
life jacket a life preserver in the form of a vest or jacket with no sleeves.
lifeless having or appearing to have no life; unconscious. [2 definitions]
lifelike looking like something in real life.
lifelong going on throughout the whole of a person's life.
life preserver a device used to help a person float in water and not drown. A life preserver is usually made in the shape of a ring, belt, or vest.
life span the length of time that a human, animal, or plant lives or can be expected to live.
lifestyle the general way of life of a person or group, including typical jobs and activities, attitudes towards work and money, values, and the like.
lifetime the time during which a person's life goes on. [2 definitions]
lift to bring upward; raise. [9 definitions]