lime1 |
a white powder made of calcium oxide. Lime is used in cement, in making steel and paper, and in making some soils better for growing plants. |
lime2 |
a small green citrus fruit. [2 definitions] |
limerick |
a humorous poem that has five lines, with the first two lines rhyming with the last, and the third and fourth lines rhyming with each other. |
limestone |
a rock formed mostly from shells and other animal remains. Limestone is used in building and in making cement, lime, and carbon dioxide. |
limit |
the point at which something ends; a boundary or border. [3 definitions] |
limited |
having limits or boundaries; not endless. |
limp1 |
to walk in an uneven, difficult way because of a lame or injured leg or foot. [2 definitions] |
limp2 |
not stiff or firm. |
Lincoln's Birthday |
a holiday on February 12, the day on which President Abraham Lincoln's birthday is celebrated. |
line1 |
a long, thin mark. [11 definitions] |
line2 |
to cover the inside of. [2 definitions] |
linear |
having to do with a line; straight. [2 definitions] |
linen |
cloth, yarn, or thread made from flax. [2 definitions] |
liner1 |
a commercial ship or airplane that carries passengers on a regular route. |
liner2 |
something that lines the inside or covers the outside of something. It is usually for protection and can often be removed. |
line up |
to form a line, one person after the other. [2 definitions] |
linger |
to remain or be slow to leave. |
lining1 |
a layer of tissue or other material covering the inside of something. |
link |
one of the separate closed pieces of a chain. [3 definitions] |
linking verb |
a verb that connects a subject to the words that tell about the subject. In the sentence, "I was very tired," "was" is a linking verb. |
linoleum |
a floor covering that is not easily worn out. Linoleum is made by pressing linseed oil and ground-up wood products onto a canvas backing. |