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load an amount of something carried. [8 definitions]
loaf1 a mass of bread or cake baked in one piece. [2 definitions]
loaf2 to spend time in a lazy way.
loan something that is lent or borrowed. [4 definitions]
loathe to dislike very much; hate.
loathsome extremely unpleasant; disgusting.
loaves plural of "loaf."
lobby a hall or open room inside the entrance of a hotel, theater, or other large building. It is often used as a waiting room. [3 definitions]
lobster an animal with a hard, jointed shell that lives in the ocean. Lobsters have four pairs of legs and a pair of large claws. They are a kind of crustacean. [2 definitions]
local having to do with a particular place such as a neighborhood or town. [5 definitions]
locality a particular neighborhood, place, or region.
locate to find the position or place of. [2 definitions]
located existing in a particular place.
location place or position. [2 definitions]
lock1 a mechanical device for keeping others from opening a door, window, or a safe. Locks are usually opened with a key or a combination. [5 definitions]
lock2 a curl or piece of hair. [2 definitions]
locker a chest or cabinet that can be locked.
locker room a room containing lockers for storing clothes and equipment and often used for changing clothes, as at a gymnasium or pool.
locket a small metal case that holds a picture or a lock of hair. It is usually worn on a chain around the neck.
lockjaw a disease that causes the muscles of the jaw to first become tight and then close the jaw shut. Lockjaw is a type of tetanus.
locksmith a person who makes or fixes locks.