lobby |
a hall or open room inside the entrance of a hotel, theater, or other large building. It is often used as a waiting room. [3 definitions] |
lobster |
an animal with a hard, jointed shell that lives in the ocean. Lobsters have four pairs of legs and a pair of large claws. They are a kind of crustacean. [2 definitions] |
local |
having to do with a particular place such as a neighborhood or town. [5 definitions] |
locality |
a particular neighborhood, place, or region. |
locate |
to find the position or place of. [2 definitions] |
located |
existing in a particular place. |
location |
place or position. [2 definitions] |
lock1 |
a mechanical device for keeping others from opening a door, window, or a safe. Locks are usually opened with a key or a combination. [5 definitions] |
lock2 |
a curl or piece of hair. [2 definitions] |
locker |
a chest or cabinet that can be locked. |
locker room |
a room containing lockers for storing clothes and equipment and often used for changing clothes, as at a gymnasium or pool. |
locket |
a small metal case that holds a picture or a lock of hair. It is usually worn on a chain around the neck. |
lockjaw |
a disease that causes the muscles of the jaw to first become tight and then close the jaw shut. Lockjaw is a type of tetanus. |
locksmith |
a person who makes or fixes locks. |
locomotion |
the act of moving or the power to move from one place to another. |
locomotive |
an engine that moves by its own power. It is used to pull or push railroad cars. |
locust |
an insect that travels in large groups called swarms. They damage crops and other plants in their path by eating them. They are a type of grasshopper. [3 definitions] |
lode |
a deposit of a mineral that fills a crack in an area of rock. |
lodestone |
a rock that acts as a magnet and attracts iron. |
lodge |
a cabin, hut, or other shelter meant to be used by people doing outdoor activities. [7 definitions] |
lodger |
a person who rents a furnished room or rooms. |