locomotion |
the act of moving or the power to move from one place to another. |
locomotive |
a self-propelled engine, esp. one that pulls or pushes railroad cars. [4 definitions] |
locust |
any of several grasshoppers that migrate in large swarms, damaging crops and other plants in their paths. [5 definitions] |
lode |
a deposit of a mineral, such as copper ore, that fills a crack in a rock formation. [3 definitions] |
lodestone |
a rock that possesses magnetic properties and attracts iron; magnetite. [2 definitions] |
lodge |
a cabin, hut, or other shelter intended for use by skiers, hunters, or the like. [11 definitions] |
lodger |
one who lodges, esp. one who rents a furnished room. |
lodging |
a place to live in, esp. temporarily; dwelling. [2 definitions] |
loft |
an open space or room just under the roof; attic. [7 definitions] |
lofty |
of great height; high. [3 definitions] |
log1 |
a large, thick piece of a tree trunk or large tree limb, esp. a long piece of trunk ready for sawing. [7 definitions] |
loganberry |
a prickly plant grown for its edible berry. [2 definitions] |
logger |
one who works in logging; lumberjack. |
logic |
the drawing of conclusions based on given premises or observed facts; reasoning, or the philosophical study of reasoning. [6 definitions] |
-logical |
of or relating to the science, study, or principles of; -logic. |
logical |
in accordance with sound thinking; reasonable; sensible. [4 definitions] |
logo |
a logotype. |
log on |
to enter a computer system with a password. |
-logy |
science, study, or doctrine of. [2 definitions] |
loin |
the part on either side of the spine between the lower ribs and the hipbone. [3 definitions] |
loiter |
to linger, esp. in a public place, for little or no reason; stand around idly. [3 definitions] |