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long distance telephone service that is not local.
longhand writing done by hand in which words are written out in full.
longhorn a breed of cattle with very long horns. Longhorns were once raised in the southwestern United States for their meat but are now rare.
longing a strong and lasting desire.
longingly with strong desire that does not go away even though it may be difficult to have what one wishes.
longitude distance on the earth's surface east or west of an imaginary line on the globe that goes from the north pole to the south pole and passes through Greenwich, England. Longitude is usually measured in degrees.
longtime having existed or continued over a long period of time.
loo an informal British word for a toilet or a room with a toilet.
look to use the eyes to see. [8 definitions]
look after to take care of.
look a gift horse in the mouth not to be grateful for a gift; to criticize something received as a gift.
look at someone sideways to look at someone in a doubtful or suspicious way.
look down one's nose at to feel that one is better than or superior to.
look for to try to find; seek.
look forward to to wait for eagerly.
looking glass a mirror made of glass.
lookout the act of keeping watch or searching. [3 definitions]
look over to inspect or examine, often quickly.
look up to search for and find (a piece of information) in a book or other source that gives information in an organized way.
look up to to respect; admire.
loom1 a device or machine for weaving cloth.