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longtime having existed or continued over a long period of time.
loo (chiefly British; informal) a toilet, or a room with a toilet.
look to use the eyes to see. [12 definitions]
look after to take care of.
look a gift horse in the mouth to be critical of something received as a gift.
look at someone sideways to look at someone with an uncertain, esp. negative, intention.
look down one's nose at to regard with disdain or contempt.
look for to attempt to find (something or someone); seek. [2 definitions]
look forward to to wait for (something) eagerly.
looking glass a mirror made of glass.
lookout the act of keeping watch, searching, or observing. [4 definitions]
look over to inspect or examine, often briefly.
look up to search for and locate (information), as in a reference book. [3 definitions]
look up to to respect; admire.
loom1 a device or machine for weaving fabric. [2 definitions]
loom2 to appear or come into view, often as a very large, dim, or distorted shape. [4 definitions]
loon1 any of several large black and white diving birds that have a laughlike cry.
loop the circular shape made when a piece of string, ribbon, wire, rope, or the like is curved back toward itself. [11 definitions]
loose not restrained or confined; free. [14 definitions]
loose-leaf of a notebook or binder, made to hold individual sheets of paper that can be removed.
loosen to make less restrictive; slacken. [5 definitions]