look forward to |
to wait for eagerly. |
looking glass |
a mirror made of glass. |
lookout |
the act of keeping watch or searching. [3 definitions] |
look over |
to inspect or examine, often quickly. |
look up |
to search for and find (a piece of information) in a book or other source that gives information in an organized way. |
look up to |
to respect; admire. |
loom1 |
a device or machine for weaving cloth. |
loom2 |
to appear or come into view, often as a very large, dim, or twisted shape. [3 definitions] |
loon1 |
a large black and white water bird with a call that sounds like a loud laugh. |
loop |
the rounded shape made when a piece of string, ribbon, or rope is crossed back over itself or tied so that it forms a circle. [5 definitions] |
loose |
not joined or attached tightly; free. [6 definitions] |
loose-leaf |
made to hold sheets of paper that can be removed. |
loosen |
to undo or release. [2 definitions] |
loot |
valuables taken by force in a war; spoils. [4 definitions] |
lope |
to trot or run gracefully and easily with long steps; to ride a horse at this gait. [2 definitions] |
lopsided |
having one side that is larger or heavier than the other; uneven. |
lord |
a person who rules. [3 definitions] |
lorry |
a British word for a large vehicle used for transporting goods or materials. "Lorry" has the same meaning as "truck." |
Los Angeles |
a city in the U.S. state of California, on the Pacific Ocean. |
lose |
to no longer have; be unable to find; misplace. [5 definitions] |
lose one's balance |
to become unsteady or fall. |