low tide |
the tide at its lowest water level, or the time when this happens. |
loyal |
showing devotion and faithfulness to someone or something. |
loyalty |
the condition of being faithful or loyal. |
lozenge |
a small piece of hard candy that contains medicine. A lozenge is held in the mouth and sucked to ease a sore throat or cough. |
lubricate |
to coat or supply with grease, oil, or another slippery substance. |
luck |
the force believed to guide things which seem to happen to a person by chance. [2 definitions] |
luckily |
by good fortune. |
lucky |
resulting from or having good fortune. |
lug1 |
to pull, lift, or carry with a great effort. |
luggage |
suitcases, boxes, and bags for carrying one's things on trips; baggage. |
lukewarm |
only slightly warm; tepid. [2 definitions] |
lull |
to calm or cause to sleep. [2 definitions] |
lullaby |
a song sung to put a child to sleep. |
lumber1 |
logs cut into boards or beams for use in building. |
lumber2 |
to move in a heavy, clumsy way. |
lumberjack |
a person whose work is to cut down trees and deliver them to a lumber mill. |
luminous |
giving off light; glowing. |
lump |
a small mass or pile with no special shape; hunk. [4 definitions] |
lunar |
of or having to do with the moon. |
lunch |
a meal eaten in the middle of the day, or any light meal during the day. [2 definitions] |
luncheon |
a special meal served at lunch time. |