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lug1 to move with a great effort, esp. by pulling or lifting. [2 definitions]
luggage suitcases or other containers for transporting personal possessions on trips; baggage.
lukewarm only slightly warm; tepid. [2 definitions]
lull to calm, soothe, or cause to sleep, as by sounds, movements, or the like. [4 definitions]
lullaby a song sung esp. to put a child to sleep. [2 definitions]
lumber1 logs cut into planks and the like for use in carpentry or building. [3 definitions]
lumber2 to move with heavy clumsiness.
lumberjack someone employed to cut down trees and deliver them to a lumber mill; logger.
luminous giving off light; glowing. [3 definitions]
lump a mass or pile, esp. a small one. [7 definitions]
lunar of or relating to the moon. [2 definitions]
lunch a meal eaten in the middle of the day, or any light meal during the day. [2 definitions]
luncheon a formal meal during the middle of the day, often for a special occasion.
lung one of two saclike organs in the chest of man and some other vertebrates that function in the process of breathing; respiratory organ.
lunge an abrupt thrusting or leaping motion toward something. [3 definitions]
lurch1 a sudden sideways motion, as of a boat. [4 definitions]
lure anything that attracts by some desirable quality. [3 definitions]
lurk to be hidden, esp. so as to ambush; lie in wait. [3 definitions]
luscious having a highly appealing smell or taste. [2 definitions]
lush of plants, growing abundantly. [3 definitions]
lust strong feelings of sexual desire. [3 definitions]