lunch |
a meal eaten in the middle of the day, or any light meal during the day. [2 definitions] |
luncheon |
a special meal served at lunch time. |
lung |
one of two organs in the chest that are used in breathing. Lungs are found in mammals, birds, reptiles, and some other animals. They bring oxygen to the body and get rid of carbon dioxide. |
lunge |
a sudden movement toward something; thrust, leap, or dive. [2 definitions] |
lurch1 |
a sudden sideways motion, as of a boat. [4 definitions] |
lure |
something that attracts or tempts by promising some reward. [3 definitions] |
lurk |
to be hidden; lie in wait. [2 definitions] |
luscious |
delicious to taste or smell. |
lush |
growing thick and healthy. [2 definitions] |
lust |
a strong desire for something (usually followed by "for"). [2 definitions] |
luster |
the shine of a surface that softly reflects light; glow. |
lute |
a stringed instrument that has a bent neck and a body shaped like a pear. |
Luxembourg |
a country in western Europe between Germany, Belgium, and France. Luxembourg City is the capital of Luxembourg. |
luxuriant |
growing thickly and in great numbers; lush. [2 definitions] |
luxurious |
giving great comfort or pleasure. |
luxury |
something very pleasant but not necessary. [2 definitions] |
-ly |
a suffix that means in a certain way. [3 definitions] |
lye |
a strong substance used in making soap. It was once made from wood ashes. |
lying1 |
the telling of lies. [3 definitions] |
lying2 |
present participle of lie2. |
lymph |
a slightly yellowish liquid produced by body tissues. It contains many white blood cells. |