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mailman a man whose job is to deliver mail; postman.
maim to cripple or disable, usu. by destroying or rendering useless a limb or extremity. [2 definitions]
main most important; chief; primary. [5 definitions]
Maine a U.S. state in the northeastern corner of the country. (abbr.: ME)
mainframe a computer with esp. large capacity, able to accommodate numerous terminals.
mainland the principal land mass of a country, continent, or region, as distinguished from adjacent islands or peninsulas.
mainly for the most part; chiefly; principally.
mainstay the principal support or component of something. [2 definitions]
mainstream the principal or dominant direction or trend of a human activity, thought, or movement. [3 definitions]
maintain to keep in existence; continue without making changes. [4 definitions]
maintenance the act of maintaining or state of being maintained. [2 definitions]
maize see "Indian corn." [3 definitions]
majestic regal, imposing, or stately; of great dignity or grandness.
majesty the greatness, dignity, or power of a sovereign or sovereign being. [5 definitions]
major the military rank above captain and below lieutenant colonel, or a person holding this rank. [6 definitions]
majorette see "drum majorette."
majority the greater number or amount; a number or amount greater than half. [4 definitions]
major league either of the two highest-level leagues of professional baseball teams in the U.S. [2 definitions]
major scale in music, a scale of whole steps, with two half-steps that occur between the third and fourth and seventh and eighth steps.
make to bring into being by constructing from separate parts. [19 definitions]
make a dent in to make progress, esp. by lessening a burden. [2 definitions]