Mali |
a country in western Africa. Bamako is the capital of Mali. |
malice |
the wish to harm others; ill will. |
malicious |
having or reflecting a wish to harm. |
malign |
to speak badly of or tell harmful lies about. |
malignant |
meant to cause harm; evil. [2 definitions] |
mall |
a large indoor area that contains shops and restaurants; shopping center. A mall can also be an outdoor shopping area that is closed off to traffic. [2 definitions] |
mallard |
a common wild duck. The male has a shiny dark green head and neck. |
mallet |
a hammer with a short handle and a large head shaped like a barrel. [3 definitions] |
malnutrition |
the condition of not having enough food or not having the right kind of food for good health. |
malt |
barley that is allowed to sprout, then used to make beer and ale. |
Malta |
an island country in the Mediterranean Sea that is made up of the island of Malta and a number of nearby islands. The capital of Malta is Valletta. |
malted milk |
a drink made of milk and dried malt mixed with ice cream. |
mama |
(informal) mother. |
mammal |
a warm-blooded animal with fur or hair on its skin and a skeleton inside its body. Mammal mothers produce milk to feed their babies. Most mammals have four legs or two arms and two legs. Dogs, cows, elephants, mice, whales, and humans are all mammals. |
mammoth |
a very large extinct mammal closely related to elephants. Mammoths were much bigger than elephants, and had shaggy black fur and long tusks that curved upward. Several kinds of mammoths lived in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the last Ice Age. [2 definitions] |
man |
an adult male human being. [4 definitions] |
manage |
to direct or control. [3 definitions] |
management |
the act or process of managing. [2 definitions] |
manager |
the person who controls a business or acts as the leader of a plan or project. |
manatee |
a mammal that lives in the ocean and has flippers for front legs. Manatees eat sea plants and are very gentle. Different kinds of manatees live near the shores or in coastal rivers of Florida, the West Indies, Central America, South America, and West Africa. They are also called sea cows. |
mandarin |
a public official, or a person of high rank or influence in imperial China. [3 definitions] |