malign |
to speak badly of; defame; slander. [2 definitions] |
malignant |
evil or injurious in intent, effect, or character. [2 definitions] |
mall |
a grassy open space, usu. lined with shade trees and used as a public place for walking. [4 definitions] |
mallard |
a common wild duck, the male of which has an iridescent, dark green head and neck. |
mallet |
a hammer, usu. wooden, with a short handle and a large cylindrical head, mainly used to drive a chisel or wedge, or to flatten something without damaging its surface. [3 definitions] |
malnutrition |
poor or inadequate nutrition. |
malt |
sprouted grain, esp. barley, used mainly in brewing and distilling. [5 definitions] |
Malta |
a Mediterranean island south of Sicily. [2 definitions] |
malted milk |
a powdered mixture consisting mostly of dried milk and malted cereals, or a beverage made of this. |
mama |
(informal) mother. |
mammal |
any of the vertebrate animals that feed their babies with milk from the female mammary glands and usu. produce live young, as opposed to laying eggs. |
mammoth |
a very large extinct mammal related to and resembling the elephant, that lived in the Northern Hemisphere. [2 definitions] |
man |
a fully grown male human. [9 definitions] |
manage |
to direct, control, or administer. [6 definitions] |
management |
the act or process of controlling, directing, or governing. [3 definitions] |
manager |
one who directs, controls, or administers a business or other enterprise. [3 definitions] |
manatee |
any of several docile plant-eating animals that resemble the seal and are found in shallow tropical waters of the Atlantic; sea cow. |
mandarin |
a public official or bureaucrat, or a person of high rank or influence in imperial China. [4 definitions] |
mandate |
a commission given to a country to administer territory on behalf of an international body such as, formerly, the League of Nations. [6 definitions] |
mandolin |
a musical instrument of the lute family with a deep, usu. pear-shaped soundbox and four or more pairs of strings that are usu. strummed rapidly with a plectrum. |
mane |
the long hair on the back and sides of the neck, as on a horse or male lion. |