mammoth |
a very large extinct mammal related to and resembling the elephant, that lived in the Northern Hemisphere. [2 definitions] |
man |
a fully grown male human. [9 definitions] |
manage |
to direct, control, or administer. [6 definitions] |
management |
the act or process of controlling, directing, or governing. [3 definitions] |
manager |
one who directs, controls, or administers a business or other enterprise. [3 definitions] |
manatee |
any of several docile plant-eating animals that resemble the seal and are found in shallow tropical waters of the Atlantic; sea cow. |
mandarin |
a public official or bureaucrat, or a person of high rank or influence in imperial China. [4 definitions] |
mandate |
a commission given to a country to administer territory on behalf of an international body such as, formerly, the League of Nations. [6 definitions] |
mandolin |
a musical instrument of the lute family with a deep, usu. pear-shaped soundbox and four or more pairs of strings that are usu. strummed rapidly with a plectrum. |
mane |
the long hair on the back and sides of the neck, as on a horse or male lion. |
maneuver |
a planned military movement, as of troops, ships, or tanks. [8 definitions] |
manganese |
a chemical element that has twenty-five protons in each nucleus and that forms a dense, hard, grayish white metallic solid, used in the manufacture of steel or as an amethyst colorant in glass. (symbol: Mn) |
manger |
a trough from which livestock feed. |
mangle1 |
to damage severely or mutilate by cutting, crushing, or tearing apart. [2 definitions] |
mango |
an elongated, smooth-skinned, yellow-orange edible fruit, or the tropical evergreen tree from which it comes. |
mangrove |
any of various related tropical evergreens that grow in masses along tidal shores, with roots that grow above ground in a densely interlaced thicket. |
manhole |
a usu. covered opening large enough for a person, providing access to a sewer, boiler, or the like. |
manhood |
the state of being a male adult. [3 definitions] |
maniac |
(outdated; no longer in scientific use) one who suffers from mania, or from insanity generally. [4 definitions] |
manicure |
grooming of the fingernails, including shaping and polishing, esp. as provided by a professional beautician. [3 definitions] |
Manitoba |
a Canadian province between Ontario and Saskatchewan. |