mask |
a covering for all or part of the face, often worn to disguise the wearer's identity. [11 definitions] |
mason |
a person skilled in building with stone, brick, or cement. [3 definitions] |
masonry |
work done by a mason, such as stonework or brickwork. [2 definitions] |
masquerade |
a party or ball at which the guests wear costumes and masks. [5 definitions] |
Mass |
a religious rite, observed in the Roman Catholic and in certain other churches, that celebrates communion with God. |
mass |
a body of relatively formless matter, often of a large size. [10 definitions] |
Massachusetts |
a northeastern U.S. state on the Atlantic coast north of Connecticut. (abbr.: MA) |
massacre |
the indiscriminate killing of a large number of usu. defenseless people or animals. [4 definitions] |
massage |
a treatment of the body that involves rubbing, kneading, and stroking to improve circulation, ease stiffness, or provide relaxation. [2 definitions] |
massive |
consisting of a very large amount or quantity of matter; big and heavy; solid. [3 definitions] |
mass media |
those means or instruments of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. |
mass production |
the production, and often packaging, of goods in large quantities by means of machines, standardized design and parts, and, often, assembly lines. |
mass transit |
a system of public transportation that carries people from place to place within a city by bus and train. |
mast1 |
a long, vertical pole that rises from the bottom of a sailing vessel to support the sails and rigging; spar. [2 definitions] |
master |
a person with power or authority; one who rules or controls. [13 definitions] |
master bedroom |
in a home with multiple bedrooms, the largest bedroom or one with a special feature such as a fireplace or attached bathroom, usually used by the head or heads of the household. |
masterful |
showing expert skill or mastery; authoritative. |
masterly |
befitting or worthy of a master. |
masterpiece |
a work of art of the highest quality. [2 definitions] |
mastodon |
any of a number of extinct mammals of about two million years ago that were large and resembled the elephant. |
mat1 |
a piece of material, esp. a strong carpet fabric such as wool, that is used as a covering to protect a floor or other surface. [7 definitions] |