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mastodon any of a number of extinct mammals of about two million years ago that were large and resembled the elephant.
mat1 a piece of material, esp. a strong carpet fabric such as wool, that is used as a covering to protect a floor or other surface. [7 definitions]
match1 a slender strip of wood or cardboard with a combustible material on the end that is ignited by friction.
match2 a person or thing that is identical to or like another. [11 definitions]
mate1 a marriage partner; husband or wife. [9 definitions]
material anything used for constructing or making something else. [7 definitions]
maternal of, relating to, or characteristic of a mother. [2 definitions]
math mathematics.
mathematical of, relating to, or expressed in mathematics. [2 definitions]
mathematician one who performs mathematics as a profession. [2 definitions]
mathematics (used with a sing. verb) the study of numbers and forms and their properties and relationships, using symbolic representation and systematically defined methods of proof.
matinee a morning or afternoon performance of a play, film, or the like.
matter all substances that occupy space and can be seen, otherwise sensed, or measured; material stuff of the universe. [8 definitions]
mattress a large rectangular pad consisting of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as fiber, hair, straw, or foam rubber, and used as a cushion to sleep on. [2 definitions]
mature fully grown or developed, as a plant, animal, or human. [9 definitions]
maul a heavy hammer, sometimes with a wooden head, used to drive stakes, piles, or the like. [3 definitions]
Mauritania a West African country on the Atlantic coast between Western Sahara and Senegal; Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
Mauritius an island country in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.
mauve a purple dye made from aniline. [2 definitions]
maximum the largest possible amount or degree. (Cf. minimum.) [2 definitions]
May the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days. [2 definitions]