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meal1 an occasion when food is prepared and eaten at a specific time. [2 definitions]
meal2 coarsely ground grain, such as corn.
mean1 to intend to denote or express. [9 definitions]
mean2 ill-tempered or showing malice or lack of kindness. [5 definitions]
mean3 something halfway between two extremes. [4 definitions]
mean business to intend definite and serious action.
meander to wind in broad curves, as a river. [3 definitions]
meaning definition or signification; sense. [5 definitions]
meaningful full of meaning or significance.
means (used with a sing. verb) a method, way, or agency used to reach a goal or accomplish something. [2 definitions]
meant past tense and past participle of mean1.
meantime the specified interval of time. [2 definitions]
meanwhile at the same time; during or in the same interval of time.
measles (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a very contagious but short-lived disease, usu. affecting children, that is caused by a virus and accompanied by fever and an eruption of red spots on the skin. [2 definitions]
measure calculation of exact dimensions within time or space, such as length, quantity, duration, weight, or capacity. [14 definitions]
measurement the act or process of measuring specific dimensions. [2 definitions]
measure out to mark off and separate from the whole.
measuring cup a graduated cup used esp. in cooking for measuring ingredients, or a cup intended to hold one specific amount of an ingredient.
measuring spoon a spoon, often attached with others of different sizes as a set, that when filled gives a specific amount of a substance, used especially in cooking.
measuring tape a flexible tape used to measure length; tape measure.
meat the flesh of animals, esp. mammals, when used or regarded as food. [4 definitions]