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medicine man a healer, shaman, and spiritual leader, esp. among North American Indians.
medieval of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages.
meditate to think calmly, deeply, and at length; contemplate, muse, or ponder (sometimes fol. by "on" or "upon"). [3 definitions]
Mediterranean a sea bordered on the north by Europe and Asia, and on the south by Africa; Mediterranean Sea. [5 definitions]
Mediterranean Sea a sea bordered on the north by Europe and Asia, and on the south by Africa.
medium an intervening substance or agency through which a force is effective. [11 definitions]
medley a musical composition or arrangement consisting of melodies or themes from various other pieces of music. [3 definitions]
meek unable or unwilling to assert oneself; lacking spirit; submissive; retiring. [2 definitions]
meet1 to come into contact with; encounter. [13 definitions]
meeting an encounter. [3 definitions]
megabyte a unit of electronic memory capacity equal to 1,048,576 bytes, or approximately one million bytes.
megaphone a hand-held, funnel-shaped device used to amplify and direct the sound of a voice.
Mekong River a major river originating in China and flowing southeast through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
melancholy a sad, gloomy, or depressed state or quality. [3 definitions]
mellow of fruit, ripely soft, juicy, and flavorful. [6 definitions]
melodious of, characterized by, or containing a pleasing melody. [2 definitions]
melody musical sounds in a pleasant order and arrangement. [3 definitions]
melon a fruit of any of various vines, which has a hard, often smooth rind and thick, juicy flesh ranging from pale green or yellow to orange or deep reddish pink.
melt to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure. [8 definitions]
member one of the parts of or individuals in a particular group, organization, or category. [3 definitions]
membership the state of being a member, as of a group or organization. [2 definitions]