meek |
doing what others want; not standing up for oneself; tame. [2 definitions] |
meet1 |
to come face to face with; encounter. [8 definitions] |
meeting |
the act of coming face to face; encounter. [3 definitions] |
megabyte |
a unit of measurement equal to 1,048,576 bytes. Megabytes are used to measure the amount of electronic information that can be stored by a computer. |
megaphone |
a device shaped like a cone that is held by a person and used to direct the sound of a voice and make it louder. |
Mekong River |
a major river that begins in China and flows southeast through the countries of Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. |
melancholy |
a feeling of sadness or depression. [3 definitions] |
mellow |
soft, juicy, and full of flavor, because it is ripe. [5 definitions] |
melodious |
having a pleasant melody. [2 definitions] |
melody |
musical sounds in a pleasant order and arrangement. [2 definitions] |
melon |
a fruit that grows on vines and has a hard outer layer and thick, juicy flesh. |
melt |
to change from a solid to a liquid state through heat or pressure. [4 definitions] |
member |
one of the people or things in a particular group. [2 definitions] |
membership |
the state of being a member. [2 definitions] |
membrane |
a thin layer of tissue found in living things. Some kinds of membranes cover the outside or inside of organs. Other membranes separate or connect different parts of the body. |
memento |
something, such as a small object, that reminds a person of a past event, period of time, or relationship. |
memo |
a short form of "memorandum." |
memorable |
easily remembered; distinct or exceptional. [2 definitions] |
memorandum |
a short written note to help a person remember something. [2 definitions] |
memorial |
a ceremony, custom, building, or statue to honor a dead person or past event. |
Memorial Day |
a U.S. holiday to honor dead soldiers, usually held on the last Monday in May. |