microorganism |
any life form so small that it can only be seen with a microscope. Microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, and many protozoans. |
microphone |
a device that changes sound waves into electronic signals. Microphones are used to make sounds louder or to broadcast or record them. |
microscope |
an instrument that uses a lens to make very small objects larger so that they can be seen by the eye. |
microscopic |
too small to be seen with the eye. [2 definitions] |
microwave |
a type of radio wave with a high frequency. Microwaves are used in special ovens to heat food and liquids. [2 definitions] |
microwave oven |
an oven that cooks or heats food or beverages quickly using high-frequency radiation. |
mid2 |
amid or among. |
mid- |
a prefix that means "middle." |
Midas |
a king in Greek mythology who was given the power to turn everything he touched into gold. |
midday |
the middle part of the day. |
middle |
halfway between two things, places, or points. [2 definitions] |
middle age |
the period of human life between youth and old age, or the years between forty and sixty-five. |
middle-aged |
of a person, being of an age between youth and old age. A middle-aged person is often between forty and sixty-five years of age. |
Middle Ages |
the period of European history between ancient times and the Renaissance, from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500. |
middle class |
the class of people between the rich and the poor. |
Middle East |
the region along the southeastern and eastern border of the Mediterranean Sea, from Libya in North Africa to Afghanistan in Asia. |
Middle English |
the English language as it was spoken and written between the years 1100 and 1500. |
Middle West |
see "Midwest." |
midget |
a very small person with the same body proportions as a normal adult; dwarf. |
midland |
the interior part of a region or country. [2 definitions] |
midnight |
twelve o'clock at night. |