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Milky Way the galaxy that contains the earth, the sun, and the solar system, and that is visible in the night sky as a long ribbon of cloudlike clusters of stars from one horizon to the other.
mill1 a place where raw grains are crushed and ground to produce flour. [9 definitions]
millennium a unit of time equal to one thousand years. [3 definitions]
miller a person who owns, operates, or works in a mill, esp. a mill for grinding grain into flour. [3 definitions]
milli- one thousandth.
milligram a unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a gram or 0.0154 grain. (abbr.: mg)
millimeter a unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter or 0.03937 inch. (abbr.: mm)
million the number represented by the Arabic numeral 1,000,000. [5 definitions]
millionaire one whose wealth amounts to at least a million dollars, pounds, francs, or the like.
millipede a land-dwelling arthropod that has a hard-shelled, wormlike body in many segments that each have two pairs of legs.
mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [6 definitions]
mimeograph a machine that produces copies of handwritten or typed material by means of a stencil mounted on a rotating inked drum. [3 definitions]
mimic to copy or imitate, often playfully or as part of a learning process. [8 definitions]
min.1 abbreviation of "minute" or "minutes."
minaret a tall, thin tower on a mosque with a balcony from which Muslims are called to prayer.
mince to cut into very small, fine pieces. [7 definitions]
mincemeat a mixture of chopped apples, raisins, currants, orange peel, and the like, that is combined with suet and sometimes meat, and used as a filling for pies. [2 definitions]
mind the reasoning faculty, which thinks, judges, understands, and directs. [13 definitions]
mind one's p's and q's to be careful in one's behavior, esp. not to give offense.
mine1 the possessive form of I; that which belongs to me.
mine2 a deep hole or system of holes made in the earth, from which mineral substances such as gold, coal, or precious stones are extracted. [9 definitions]