mink |
a small mammal with dark brown fur, a long body, short legs, and a bushy tail. Mink live near water, where they hunt water animals. One kind of mink lives in Europe and Asia; another kind lives in North America. Mink are closely related to polecats, ferrets, and other weasels. [2 definitions] |
Minnesota |
a state in the midwestern United States. Its capital is St. Paul. (abbreviated: MN) |
minnow |
a small fish that lives in fresh water. |
minor |
less important or serious than others of the same kind. [3 definitions] |
minority |
a part or amount that is less than half the total. [2 definitions] |
minor league |
any lower-level league than the major leagues in professional baseball in the United States. |
minor scale |
any musical scale in which there is a half-step between the second and third tones and seventh and eighth tones. |
minstrel |
a musician and poet who traveled from place to place to entertain people during the Middle Ages. [2 definitions] |
mint1 |
a plant with a strong, pleasant smell whose leaves are used as a flavoring. Peppermint and spearmint are members of the mint family. [2 definitions] |
mint2 |
a factory where money is manufactured by the government. [4 definitions] |
minuend |
a number from which another number is subtracted. |
minus |
made less by subtracting. [5 definitions] |
minute1 |
a unit of time equal to sixty seconds or one sixtieth of an hour. (abbreviated: min.) [4 definitions] |
minute2 |
very small in size or amount; tiny. [2 definitions] |
minute hand |
the longer hand on a watch or a clock, which moves around the entire face once an hour and shows the minutes. |
minuteman |
an American soldier of the Revolutionary War, who was ready to fight on a minute's notice. |
miracle |
an event that cannot be explained by the known laws of nature and is thought to be caused by a power not of the earth. [2 definitions] |
miraculous |
of the nature of a miracle. [2 definitions] |
mirage |
an illusion in which something is seen in the distance but is not really there. A mirage often occurs in the desert or on hot pavement, creating the illusion of water. A mirage is caused when light is reflected by air masses of different temperatures. |
mirror |
a smooth surface that reflects an image of whatever is in front of it. A mirror is usually made of glass with a coat of shiny metal on the back. [2 definitions] |
mis-1 |
a prefix that means bad or wrong. |