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missing not where something or someone should be; absent. [2 definitions]
mission a group of people sent to a foreign location to establish relations and conduct trade or do diplomatic or religious work. [7 definitions]
missionary a person, usually a member of a church or religious order, who is sent to a foreign country to convert the people to his or her religion, or to teach in or establish schools, or to serve as medical personnel in clinics or hospitals. [3 definitions]
Mississippi a U.S. state on the Gulf of Mexico between Alabama and Louisiana. (abbr.: MS) [2 definitions]
Mississippi River a river that flows from Minnesota south through the Midwest, along the border between Mississippi and Louisiana, and into the Gulf of Mexico.
Missouri a Midwestern U.S. state between Kansas and Illinois. (abbr.: MO) [2 definitions]
Missouri River a river that flows from Montana mainly southeast until it joins the Mississippi River in Missouri. It is the longest river in the United States and is the main tributary of the Mississippi.
misspell to spell in an incorrect way.
mist a concentration of droplets of water or the like suspended in the air. [7 definitions]
mistake an incorrect thought, action, or judgment; error. [5 definitions]
mistaken being an error. [2 definitions]
Mister a conventional title of courtesy, usu. abbreviated and placed before a man's last name or title of office. [3 definitions]
mistletoe a parasitic plant, species of which are found in Europe, Asia, and North America, having evergreen leaves and bearing white berries and small, yellow flowers. [2 definitions]
mistook past tense of mistake.
mistreat to treat improperly; abuse.
mistress a woman in charge, as of a school or household. [4 definitions]
mistrust lack of belief or confidence in the good intentions of people; doubt. [3 definitions]
misty made up of mist or looking like mist. [2 definitions]
misunderstand to fail to comprehend correctly; interpret wrongly.
misunderstanding a failure to comprehend correctly. [2 definitions]
misunderstood not understood or interpreted correctly. [2 definitions]