Missouri |
a state in the midwestern United States. Its capital is Jefferson City. (abbreviated: MO) [2 definitions] |
Missouri River |
a major river that flows from the state of Montana mostly southeast until it joins the Mississippi River in Missouri. The Missouri River is considered the longest river in the United States. It is the main tributary of the Mississippi River. |
misspell |
to spell in an incorrect way. |
mist |
a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air. [4 definitions] |
mistake |
a thought or action that is not correct; error. [3 definitions] |
mistaken |
being an error. [2 definitions] |
Mister |
a title of respect placed before a man's last name. It is usually abbreviated as "Mr." |
mistletoe |
a poisonous, evergreen plant that has white berries and small, yellow flowers. Mistletoe is a parasite that grows on trees. [2 definitions] |
mistook |
past tense of "mistake." |
mistreat |
to treat badly. |
mistreatment |
behavior toward people or animals that is wrong or cruel. |
mistress |
a woman in charge of something. |
mistrust |
lack of confidence or trust; doubt. [2 definitions] |
misty |
made up of mist or looking like mist. [2 definitions] |
misunderstand |
to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to. |
misunderstanding |
a failure to understand correctly. [2 definitions] |
misunderstood |
not understood correctly. [2 definitions] |
misuse |
a wrong or incorrect use. [3 definitions] |
mite1 |
a tiny animal that is related to the spider. Most mites are parasites and live on other animals or plants. |
mite2 |
a tiny amount of something, such as money. |
mitt |
a baseball glove. [2 definitions] |