mist |
a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air. [4 definitions] |
mistake |
a thought or action that is not correct; error. [3 definitions] |
mistaken |
being an error. [2 definitions] |
Mister |
a title of respect placed before a man's last name. It is usually abbreviated as "Mr." |
mistletoe |
a poisonous, evergreen plant that has white berries and small, yellow flowers. Mistletoe is a parasite that grows on trees. [2 definitions] |
mistook |
past tense of "mistake." |
mistreat |
to treat badly. |
mistreatment |
behavior toward people or animals that is wrong or cruel. |
mistress |
a woman in charge of something. |
mistrust |
lack of confidence or trust; doubt. [2 definitions] |
misty |
made up of mist or looking like mist. [2 definitions] |
misunderstand |
to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to. |
misunderstanding |
a failure to understand correctly. [2 definitions] |
misunderstood |
not understood correctly. [2 definitions] |
misuse |
a wrong or incorrect use. [3 definitions] |
mite1 |
a tiny animal that is related to the spider. Most mites are parasites and live on other animals or plants. |
mite2 |
a tiny amount of something, such as money. |
mitt |
a baseball glove. [2 definitions] |
mitten |
a covering for the hand, worn for warmth. Mittens have one section for the thumb and one section for the four fingers. |
mix |
to put different things together so that the parts become one. [5 definitions] |
mixed |
blended together; combined. [2 definitions] |